Painful experience
By Toby on Jun 5, 2012 | In Announcements
Over the last few days my dressing has gradually been coming off so today mummy decided it was time to rip it off !
With daddy holding me tight and me gripping a bone between my teeth, mummy yanked it off in one fell swoop. And boy, did it hurt
(Sub-editor Mummy ?- ?Toby, your Daddy does encourage you to exaggerate!! I actually peeled it off very gently and you were very brave but I'm not sure I should tell you that now xx)
I won't show you all the gruesome close up photos of the result, or the stinky mess that was the dressing but you can see a photo here of my wound. If you look closely, you can see the knot where the stitches were tied off.
It was such a traumatic experience that I fell asleep with Lucy watching over me, or is that watching what is left of the food in my bowl ?
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