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  • Toby's Troubles

  • This is the personal blog of Toby as he comes to terms with his poorly leg and what happens during and after surgery to mend it
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Sunday Swim

Sunday Swim
Sunday Swim

Today, we all went for another swimming lesson with?Anne-Michele.

I think I am getting the hang of things a bit better now and quite enjoy paddling round the pool. Mummy missed my last lesson and can't believe how fast I can go now. Don't tell her, but it's only because I am trying my bestest to get back to the ramp for a little rest &#58;&#41;

Daddy was there again pointing the camera at me. See the resulting home video below.

Another swimming lesson

Another swimming lesson
Another swimming lesson

Today, Daddy took me for another swimming lesson as Mummy was poorly in bed. Get well soon Mummy &#58;&#112;

I am doing very well with my swimming lessons but still find it a bit scary when my?helper?lets me go &#58;&#40; Today, it was Anne-Michele.

After my swim, I get a shampoo and shower and now have my own cute bath robe to keep me warm and dry. Lucy was very jealous when she saw it so m & d got her one as well.

Daddy took a few videos of me swimming which you can watch by clicking the play arrow below.

Swimming Lesson

Swimming Lesson
Swimming Lesson
Swimming Lesson
Swimming Lesson
Swimming Lesson

Today, mummy and daddy took me for my first hydrotherapy session.

We met a very nice man called Geoff who asked M & D lots of questions about my poorly leg and how I was getting on now I was recovering from my recent surgery. He gave me a good examination and measured bits of me using a special tape measure. My poorly leg has some muscle wastage so we hope to build it back up by exercising in the swimming pool.

When it was finally time to go for a swim, I was very nervous as I don't like water. Geoff put a life jacket on me so he could help me in and out of the water and hold onto me so I didn't sink.

The pool is very big and deep but Geoff carried me into the water which was very warm and comforting. He held me whilst I had a mild panic attack as it was a bit scary and M & D weren't in the water with me &#58;&#40; But we had a little doggy paddle around to get my legs moving and I was just getting used to it when it was time to get out.

Geoff then gave me a shampoo and shower to get rid of the chlorine water and put me in a nice blue bath robe to keep me warm until I dried off.

We are going back on Friday for another session but I'm not sure yet whether I want to go. Hopefully by then, I will have plucked up the courage for another go &#58;&#41;

Freedom at last !

Today, we all went to see Jon at Lichfield for my final check up. Jon checked me out good and proper and said everything looked fine but there was slight muscle wastage in my poorly leg, which was only to be expected. M & D have since arranged to take me for some hydrotherapy to help strengthen my leg muscles again. Don't tell anyone, but I am scared of water, don't even like having a bath when Auntie Hazel, the dog groomer, comes &#58;&#41;

Whilst we were there, Jon took another x-ray of my leg and showed the results to M & D. Everything looked fine and you could even see where the bone had started to re-grow around the bit of bone that was removed to heal my leg.

Jon said that I could now have free exercise which means I don't have to go everywhere on my lead anymore, Yayyyy !

When we got back (after a special trip to MacD's for some nuggets &#58;&#41; ), M & D put the house straight again by removing all the stair gates etc and, finally, we are all back to normal.

Finally Managed To Escape

Finally Managed To Escape

I've been plotting this for a while but today, I finally managed to free myself from this play pen forever !

I've been chewing at my bedding for a while and made a bit of a mess as you can see so Mummy decided enough was enough and let me out.

Instead, M & D have moved the sofa from the sun room, put the cushions on the floor and moved mine and Lucy's bed from the lounge to the dining room. So, I can now roam freely downstairs without being cooped up and bored in the play pen.

Happy days &#58;&#41;