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  • Toby's Troubles

  • This is the personal blog of Toby as he comes to terms with his poorly leg and what happens during and after surgery to mend it
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Evening stroll

Evening stroll

It was a pleasant evening so mummy and daddy took us both for a walk on the Teversal Trail. I'm not allowed to walk far so asked daddy to take me in my new pink pushchair.

It was downhill going but daddy struggled on the way back as we have to go up a steep hill. He was puffing a bit when we got back home !

Scary dirty girls !

Scary dirty girls !

Tonight, Daddy let our chickens loose in the garden as they like to roam around and peck at the freshly mown grass.

I was feeling adventurous so asked daddy if I could go and meet the dirty girls. He put me on my lead in case the dirty girls got a bit flighty and we went to say hello.

They were a bit scary so daddy took me back inside !

And if you want to know why they are called the dirty calls, ask mummy who has to clean them out everyday !

Grandma and Grandad

Grandma and Grandad
Grandma and Grandad

These are my favourite pictures of Grandma and Grandad when we went to Rufford Park for one of Grandad's birthdays (before we had Lucy).

Can you spot me hiding in the first picture ?

Thanks Grandma & Grandad

Thanks Grandma &amp; Grandad
Thanks Grandma &amp; Grandad

Today we all went to G & G's for Sunday dinner. The big people had a proper lunch but me and Lucy got treated to plate of carrots and yummy chicken.

Grandma and Grandad also gave mummy and daddy some money to help with my leg and eye operations and I would like to thank them very much for their kindness.

Daddy even broke open Grandma's special pink money jar to give me the money inside, thanks grandma !

Visit to Grandma Audrey

Visit to Grandma Audrey

It was a bit rainy and windy and horrible outside today so we didn't get to go for our weekly visit to Brierley Park for a sausage dinner.

Instead, we went to visit Grandma Audrey at night and she is very kind as she treats us to doggy biscuits whenever we go. We sit at her feet and on command, lift our rights paws to ask for a treat. We have trained her well :)

She also gave me a nice get well card, thanks very much granny !