Results finally in
By Toby on May 18, 2012 | In Announcements | Send feedback »
Mummy has just rung Amy for the results of my tests. Amy was very pleased to tell mummy that most of the tests results are in and they are all clear and there was nothing to worry about. It looks like I have something called Idiopathic Hypertension which you can read about here. The last few results should be available on Monday.
Amy and Mike want to see me again in 4 to 6 weeks to check on my blood pressure and eye but they are both very happy with the outcome of the tests.
Mummy then rang my own vet to order some more pain tablets for me and to arrange another blood test for next Tuesday. If this is better, we can then re-arrange the surgery for my poorly leg.
I want to thank Amy for her nice feedback comments in the Exam Results post below and thanks to all at Willows for looking after me so well yesterday.
Waiting for results ...
By Toby on May 18, 2012 | In Announcements | Send feedback »
Exam Results
By Toby on May 17, 2012 | In Announcements | 2 feedbacks »
About 4pm, Amy rang daddy to say she was done and they could come and pick me up.
When they got here, Amy told them the tests she had done so far hadn?t shown anything and the ultrasound showed there were no lumps or bumps in my tummy. She was still waiting for a few more test results and mummy was to ring back tomorrow to get them. She also said she had taken a few extra blood samples in case the test results required any further investigating. She also said I still had high blood pressure but it may end up being one of those things with no underlying cause.
Amy ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Mummy and daddy then saw the eye doctor Mike and he confirmed that I had lost total vision in my right eye but didn?t think it was down to high blood pressure but a genetic disease called Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment which occurs from a tear in the retina that allows fluid to get behind it and forces it away from the eye wall (simply put but more technical than that probably). There is surgery available to repair it but the success rate is not well known, takes about 6 hours under anaesthetic and may not guarantee I will get my vision back. So, we are not going down this route.
My other eye is also showing early signs of the same disease and may eventually detach. Again, there is laser surgery which can be done to ?weld? the retina to the eye so it won?t detach in future but again, success rates are not really known and there are no guarantees it will work and could make it worse so this is something to think about for the future.
He has given M & D eye drops to give me for the rest of my life as I have slight inflammation and they will help to prevent glaucoma which I could get in which case my eye would have to be removed.
So, all in all, not a very good day and I ended up with a shaved tummy after all.
We all then went back home and picked Lucy up on the way from G & G's.
As a special treat for being such a good boy, mummy gave me half a yummy jumbone !
By Toby on May 17, 2012 | In Announcements | Send feedback »
We have all arrived at the Willows referral centre for Amy, a medicine specialist, to take a look at me. She talked to mummy and daddy for a bit to learn more about what was wrong with me. It looks like she is going to do lots more tests but I didn't like the bit where she was going to shave my tummy so she could look inside me again.
Another nice lady was there and she tickled my tummy for a bit but I got a bit grumpy when she stopped so she tickled me some more.
Off to see Mike now who is going to look at my eyes.
M & D have now gone to look round a local garden centre but should be back to collect me about 5pm.
Thanks everyone
By Toby on May 16, 2012 | In Announcements | Send feedback »
I just want to say lots of thanks to everyone who has sent me texts and emails wishing me well. I know my mummy and daddy really appreciate the support you are all giving as they are really worried about me.
I haven't received any get well cards yet but hopefully the postman will bring some soon :)
Or if you want to send me a message or comment on any blog post, just click on the send feedback link at the top of the post and fill in the boxes to leave your message.
I also want to thank daddy for helping me to set up our website and for the use of his computer to allow me to type these messages for you xxxx